Our Board

Ron Romero, President
Physician, Packard Health
In my work at Packard Health, a federally qualified health center that directly provides care to Washtenaw Health Plan families, I have the opportunity every day to see firsthand the incredible impact access to high-quality care has on individuals and families. As the child of a single mother who worked multiple jobs, struggled to pay rent, and often had to choose between groceries and medical care, I also feel this impact on a personal level. The knowledge that an organization like Washtenaw Health Project is working hard to ensure that people are treated as human beings worthy of dignity, respect, and equitable healthcare has the power to change lives and communities, fostering belonging, better outcomes, and hope.

Jimena Loveluck, MSW, Vice President
Health Officer, Washtenaw County Health Department
I have worked in public health in Washtenaw County for the past 23 years and have focused my public health practice on addressing health disparities and improving health equity. Access to high quality healthcare is fundamental to addressing health inequities in our county. The Washtenaw Health Project plays a unique and critical role in improving healthcare access for our county residents and is a key partner of the Washtenaw County Health Department.

Alonzo T. Lewis, MHSA, Treasurer
President, Trinity Health Ann Arbor and Livingston Hospitals
The Washtenaw Health Project provides me with the opportunity for alignment to our mission of being a “transforming health presence” in our community.

Alfreda Rooks, Secretary
Director, Community Health Services University of Michigan Health, Michigan Medicine
The mission of Washtenaw Health Project aligns closely with University of Michigan Health. Together we have opportunities to improve health and health outcomes in Washtenaw County.

Bob Gillett, President Emeritus
I have spent my career working for and with low-income persons. This has led me to understand the importance of stable, affordable housing and access to healthcare for low-income persons and communities. The Washtenaw Health Project is a critical piece in assuring access to healthcare for everyone in our community.

Corey Dean
Associate Program Director and Site Medical Director of Academic Internal Medicine, Trinity Health Ann Arbor
I serve on the board of the Washtenaw Health Project to provide insight on pathways to just, diversified, and equitable healthcare for the underserved within our Washtenaw community and to educate our future generation of physicians within Washtenaw County.

Greg Dill
Washtenaw County Administrator
I am honored to serve on the board to ensure high-quality healthcare access for all county residents.

Charo Ledón
Latino Community Leader, Advocate, and Cofounder of Casa Latina and Buenos Vecinos
I serve on the board because I believe Washtenaw Health Project provides an outstanding service to our community: serving those who otherwise would not have access to healthcare. I want to make sure that it continues to do what it does best and thrives into the future.

Markell Miller, MPH
Director of Community Food Programs, Food Gatherers
I am proud to support the work of the Washtenaw Health Project because of their deep commitment to provide compassionate, tailored support to neighbors seeking insurance and needing help navigating healthcare access.

Mike Randall
Executive Director, Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation
As a proud native of Ypsilanti and previous employee of Washtenaw Health Project, I choose to serve on the board because I am committed to breaking barriers to quality healthcare for all Washtenaw County residents, no matter who they are or where they live.

Doug Strong
Retired Healthcare Executive
The Washtenaw Health Project plays a vital role in Washtenaw County, serving those with unmet or complicated needs, and providing connections to both healthcare organizations and important resources.

Brent Williams
Professor of Medicine, University of Michigan
The services Washtenaw Health Project provides to residents of Washtenaw County are critical to securing access to healthcare and ongoing services for many. Our commitment to the whole community and to all barriers and facilitators to health and well-being uniquely complement services of other health and social services organizations. Serving on the board helps ensure these services continue.