Our Impact

Mother, Child and Grandmother
Working in partnership with the Washtenaw County Health Department and local healthcare providers, Washtenaw Health Project helps ensure that every member of our community has the coverage and care they need to thrive. 

Growing Health and Financial Stability Across Washtenaw County

Benefits for People and Families

  • Increased insurance coverage
  • Increased access to care
  • Greater trust in healthcare
  • Improved health
  • Improved financial stability

Benefits for Community Healthcare Providers

  • Greater coordination among partners
  • Higher care reimbursement
  • More responsive system of care for low-income individuals

We provide in-depth services to more than 6,000 of our neighbors every year.


Washtenaw Health Plan Members
who aren’t eligible for any other coverage


Medicaid applications and renewals


People enrolled through the Marketplace/HealthCare.gov

We help people understand and use their health insurance so they can get the care they need.


Healthcare navigation services provided


Department of Health and Human Services issues resolved


Billing and charity case issues resolved

We create connections, share resources, and advocate for a more responsive local healthcare system.


Local organizations helping to provide in-depth support for clients who need help with chronic disease management, housing instability, food insecurity, and transportation to medical appointments.

$10.5 million+

Additional income directed to Washtenaw County’s healthcare providers, as a result of Washtenaw Health Project’s insurance enrollment.

Help the Washtenaw Health Project advocate for the health and well-being of everyone in our community.