Washtenaw Health Plan
Information for Providers
The Washtenaw Health Plan provides health coverage for low-income individuals in Washtenaw County who are not eligible for any other coverage. Washtenaw Health Plan (WHP) is not health insurance. Members receive services from providers under a capitated payment agreement.
Medically necessary services are covered unless they are covered by another program. Examples of programs include MOMS Medicaid, Emergency Services Only Medicaid, health system charity care programs, drug company patient assistance programs, and others.
This page provides a quick reference for health care providers, including services covered by the Washtenaw Health Plan, how to connect patients with services covered elsewhere, what is not covered, and how to verify active membership and submit claims online.
If you have questions about these programs or what is covered by the Washtenaw Health Plan, please call our benefit administrator, Ingham Health Plan, at 866-291-8691.
Washtenaw Health Plan Information for Providers
Outpatient Hospital, Radiology, Labs
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Primary Care
- University of Michigan Health – Michigan Medicine (Washtenaw County locations only)
- Packard Health
- Trinity Health/IHA (Washtenaw County locations only)
- The Corner Health Center
Covered Services at Primary Care Locations
- Routine physicals and health examinations
- Well-child care
- Diagnostic and treatment services
- Administration of immunizations* per current ACIP guidelines (travel immunizations excluded)
- Administration of therapeutic injections (injectables not included)
- Local treatment of burns
- Destruction of lesions
- Allergy tests & administration of allergy injections (serum not included)
- Pulmonary assessment
- EKG, blood pressure, rhythm strip
- Auditory procedures
- Simple laboratory screens
- Female and male sterilization
- PAP tests (frequency as indicated by physician–can be coordinated with Title XV Breast and Michigan Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BC3NP) )
- Family planning services
Notes: *Packard Health does not currently provide immunizations to adult WHP members. Those are directed to the Washtenaw County Health Department Immunization Clinic at 555 Towner Street in Ypsilanti (734-544-6700) where they have access to a sliding-fee scale. See immunizations section for more information.
Washtenaw Health Plan works with all major and local pharmacies in Washtenaw County. Members have prescription coverage with co-pays of $5 (generic) or $7 (brand name).
If a prescription is not covered by the Washtenaw Health Plan formulary, please connect clients with a Prescription Assistance Program (needymeds.org) or search goodrx.com for the pharmacy with the lowest price. Providers may also confirm prescription coverage or request a short-term override with the Ingham Health Plan at 866-291-8691.
Diabetic supplies are available to members for free through the pharmacy benefit. See the diabetes management section for details.
Specialty Care
- University of Michigan Health – Michigan Medicine (Washtenaw County locations only)
- Trinity Health/IHA/St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (Washtenaw County locations only)
Covered Services
Medically necessary services.
Outpatient Hospital, Radiology, and Laboratory Services
- University of Michigan Health – Michigan Medicine (Washtenaw County locations only)
- Trinity Health/IHA/St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (Washtenaw County locations only)
Services Covered
- Medically necessary services
- Emergency room visits that do not result in admission
- Surgery
- Chemotherapy
- Laboratory services ordered by a physician
- X-ray services
- EKG services
- CAT, MRI, MRA & PET scans
- Cobalt, isotopes, and radiation therapy
Inpatient Hospital Care
- University of Michigan Health – Michigan Medicine (Washtenaw County locations only)
- Trinity Health/IHA/St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (Washtenaw County locations only)
Covered Services
Medically necessary services only, excluding psychiatric care. Please see the mental health care section for more information.
Urgent Care
Washtenaw Health Plan members are covered for urgent care services at any of the 5 Trinity Health/IHA Urgent Care locations in Washtenaw County:
- Domino’s Farms
- Milan
- Saline
- West Arbor
We recommend that members first call their Primary Care Physician to see if they can be seen the same or next day. These are the only urgent care clinics that accept the Washtenaw Health Plan.
- University of Michigan Health – Michigan Medicine (Washtenaw County locations only)
- Trinity Health/IHA (Washtenaw County locations only)
- The Corner Health Center
- Packard Health (children only). Adult Packard Health WHP Members are directed to local pharmacies and the Washtenaw County Health Department Immunizations Clinic.
- Most pharmacies in Washtenaw County
- Washtenaw County Health Department Immunizations Clinic
Covered Immunizations
Immunizations are covered for Washtenaw Health Plan members at their healthcare provider office. Travel immunizations are not covered.
See list of covered pediatric (1-18) immunizations and recommended administration schedule
See list of covered adult immunizations and recommended administration schedule
WHP encourages all members to get their immunizations at their primary care provider’s officer. However, if they cannot get to their primary care provider for an immunization, the following immunizations are available in pharmacies under WHP’s pharmacy benefit:
- Flu
- COVID-19
- Pneumonia (for those who are eligible)
- Shingles (for those who are eligible)
Washtenaw County Health Department Immunization Clinic
Adult Packard Health WHP members are directed to the Washtenaw County Health Department Immunization clinic at 555 Towner Street in Ypsilanti where they can use the sliding-fee scale application to reduce out-of-pocket costs. View the list of available Health Department immunizations here.
Adult Packard Health WHP members may also receive flu, COVID-19, pneumonia, and shingles vaccines at most Washtenaw County pharmacies under WHP’s pharmacy benefit.
Contraception methods are covered for members by the Washtenaw Health Plan, MOMS Medicaid, or Patient Assistance Programs.
Most Washtenaw Health Plan members are eligible for MOMS Medicaid during pregnancy and for up to two months after the end of a pregnancy. Washtenaw Health Project can help enroll them.
Covered by Washtenaw Health Plan
- Birth control pills
- Birth control shot (see notes)
- Sterilization procedures for men and women: vasectomy, tubal ligation, and hysterectomy.
Covered by MOMS Medicaid
It is recommended that members use their MOMS Medicaid benefits to access contraception.
- Copper IUD
- Hormonal IUDs
- Arm Implant
- Birth control shot (see notes)
- Patch
- Vaginal ring
- Birth control pills and emergency birth control (with prescription)
- Sterilization procedures for women (tubal ligation and hysterectomy)
- Barrier methods such as diaphragms, the sponge, and cervical caps may be covered.
Hormonal IUDs
The Bayer Foundation Patient Assistance Program covers Skyla, Kyleena, and Mirena IUDs. Medical providers must help members apply.
Free condoms (male and female) are available from the vending machine in the atrium of the Health Department at 555 Towner Street in Ypsilanti.
Birth control shot: It is easiest for members to go to a healthcare provider office with a pharmacy onsite (Packard Health Main or The Corner Health Center). These locations can dispense the shot prescription, perform the required pregnancy test, and administer the shot in the same appointment. Patients up to age 26 can be referred to The Corner Health Center for contraception care without changing their primary care provider.
Breastfeeding safety: Please advise patients that breastfeeding is not recommended while using hormonal forms of birth control as the hormones can be transferred to the baby. Breastfeeding is safe while using non-hormonal contraception, such as the copper IUD or a barrier method, or the low-hormone “mini-pill” (also called a “progesterone-only” pill).
Women’s Cancer Screenings
Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap tests)
WHP members can receive cervical cancer screening at their primary care clinic (see WHP primary care providers) under the capitation agreement. If their primary care clinic is unable to provide the screening, they may be seen by a Michigan Medicine or Trinity Health (Washtenaw County) specialty care provider.
Provider Reimbursement Options
If primary care providers want to take steps to receive additional reimbursement they may:
- Contact Denise Hill of the Michigan Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP) at (888) 242-2702
- Bill MOMS Medicaid if claims have a diagnosis code of pregnancy attached
Mammograms are covered by these providers under our specialty care reimbursement agreement. Members are covered at Washtenaw County locations only:
- Michigan Medicine
- Trinity Health Hospital Ann Arbor
- Trinity Health Hospital Chelsea
- Trinity Health IHA
Covered Services
- Clinical breast exam
- Mammogram
- Pap test
- Pelvic exam
- Follow-up tests
- If needed, cancer-related treatment
Mental Health Care
To coordinate mental health care for Washtenaw Health Plan members, please contact Kelly Stupple at 734-544-3079 or stupplek@washtenaw.org. Mental health counseling is available from our partner providers in multiple languages.
- Amplify Colectivo (counseling only)
- Catholic Social Services (counseling + psychiatric services)
- Corner Health Center (counseling + psychiatric services)
- Jewish Family Services – Thrive Counseling (counseling only)
- Packard Health* (counseling + psychiatric services)
- The Women’s Center of Southeastern Michigan (counseling only)
- Independently contracted licensed therapists (counseling only)
- Michigan Medicine (psychiatric services only)
- Trinity Health (psychiatric services only)
Covered Services
- Intake and counseling for Washtenaw Health Plan members up to 52 sessions per year
- Outpatient psychiatric office visits with participating providers
Covered Elsewhere
Substance use and inpatient psychiatric treatment services are available through Community Mental Health (CMH). Washtenaw Health Project can help members access these services through CMH.
*Packard Health only provides mental health services to Packard Health primary care patients. Members must first establish primary care at Packard Health if they would like to receive mental health services at Packard Health.
Physical Therapy
Covered Services
At Probility, Washtenaw Health Plan members can be seen 2x per week for 4 weeks, at no charge.
Usually this is enough to resolve their physical therapy needs; however, if it is not, directors at each facility have flexibility to approve more visits (likely a reduced visit rate, for 2-3 additional weeks).
Currently, patients must fill out an MSupport application for Physical Therapy at Michigan Medicine. They can access Physical Therapy, but it is a separate process.
At Probility, Washtenaw Health Plan members may need help scheduling an initial appointment if they do not speak English (where interpreters can be requested). Probility has Spanish-speaking physical therapists at certain locations.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
All Washtenaw Health Plan members have a limited yearly benefit of $250 for certain types of medical equipment and supplies. You can send Durable Medical Equipment (DME) requests to local DME providers, and they will contact us for approval. If you have questions, please contact Jean Amador at 734-544-6886.
If a Washtenaw Health Plan member needs DME not covered by the plan or has already used their $250 benefit, please try Washtenaw County loan closets. Certain equipment such as walkers, crutches, and wheelchairs are provided for members by loan closets.
CPAP Machines
Members who need a CPAP machine should take their script and sleep study to Healthcare DME. CPAP machines are approved once every 5 years. Members who need CPAP supplies can use any of the DME providers above where CPAP supplies are listed.
Note on Michigan Medicine CPAP and Ostomy Supplies:
Recently, Michigan Medicine’s associated Oxygen and CPAP groups are no longer operating (to the best of our knowledge). This has created a gap in Oxygen and CPAP machines for WHP members, because the cost for these machines and supplies is greater than $250 per year.
Ostomy supplies are another gap where $250 does not cover it completely. We are currently looking for affordable options here.
Diabetes Management
Members can receive a Contour Next One or Contour Next Gen glucometer from the manufacturer, Ascensia.
By phone/mail (free)
Members can call Ascensia at 1-800-348-8100, provide their information, and have a free Contour Next Gen blood glucose meter plus 10 test strips mailed to them. Telephone assistance is available in English and Spanish.
At Washtenaw County pharmacies
Members can obtain a prescription for a free Contour Next One blood glucose meter by completing this form on Ascensia’s website, or get a prescription from their doctor. To get the meter for free, per Ascensia members must purchase a minimum of 50 test strips. Prices vary widely. Also per Ascensia, pharmacies are allowed to charge for the meter if test strips are not purchased.
Contour meters take the same test strips regardless of model.
Test strips and lancets
Test strips and lancets are covered under the pharmacy benefit and must be filled at the pharmacy.
Diabetic shoe inserts
Diabetic shoe inserts are available for members from University of Michigan Health – Michigan Medicine Orthotics and Prosthetics Center at 2850 S. Industrial Hwy. Suite 400 in Ann Arbor (734-973-2400)
Diabetes Medications
Washtenaw Health Plan members are covered at most pharmacies in Washtenaw County. Please check our formulary for covered prescriptions.
Diabetes Education
Washtenaw Health Plan members have access to Diabetes Education classes through Trinity-IHA and Michigan Medicine. See class descriptions and referral procedures for each health system. Members assigned to Packard Health can be referred to the Certified Diabetes Educator on staff for self-management education.
Printable multilingual meal plan guides are available from EthnoMed.
EthnoMed has a library of additional resources on multicultural, multilingual diabetes care and management for providers and patients.
Covered Elsewhere
The Washtenaw Health Plan does not cover the following services, but support/coverage is available elsewhere.
Washtenaw Health Project can enroll clients in Medicaid for Emergency Services Only (Medicaid-ESO).
Medicaid for Emergency Services Only (which many Washtenaw Health Plan members are eligible for) will cover ambulance bills within the last 90 days. Huron Valley Ambulance also has charity care, and there is also a separate county fund we can access.
Benefits are available for Washtenaw County residents without dental coverage to receive services at Mi Community Dental Center (MCDC) in Ypsilanti. Washtenaw Health Project identifies individuals who would benefit and submits applications for the Dental Fund on a case-by-case basis. Funding for the Dental Fund is limited, and capacity is limited due to limited number of providers. Patients may be eligible to get additional services from MCDC at subsidized levels, depending on their income. Please contact Kelly Stupple at 734-544-3079 or stupplek@washtenaw.org with questions.
Individuals on dialysis can receive outpatient treatment covered through Medicaid for Emergency Services Only.
Speech and Occupational Therapy
Speech and occupational therapy can be covered at Washtenaw County Michigan Medicine locations through the MSupport Charity Care program. Public schools can also provide these services to enrolled students.
Substance Use and Inpatient Mental Health treatment
Services are available through Washtenaw Community Mental Health. Washtenaw Health Project helps Washtenaw Health Plan members through the access process for these services. Service capacity, particularly for Spanish speakers, can be limited.
Vision and Optometry
Hope Clinic in Ypsilanti provides free screening and free or low-cost glasses through their SIGHT Clinic.
Children (age 21 and under) should be referred to Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools (RAHS) for free screenings, eye exams, and new and replacement glasses. RAHS can also arrange free transportation to these appointments.
We also send people to America’s Best Eyecare, which offers eye exams and two pairs of glasses for $69.
The Health Department performs free hearing and vision screenings for children entering preschool or kindergarten. Translation service is available.
Not Covered by the Washtenaw Health Plan
The Washtenaw Health Plan does not cover the following services, and to our knowledge, these are not covered elsewhere for Washtenaw Health Plan members:
- Chiropractor
- Genetic testing not done at a local hospital
- Hearing aids
- Hospice
- In-home health aids, home health personal care/chore assistance
- Nursing home care
- Private duty nurses
- Surgical weight reduction services
Provider Portal
Log in or create an account on the Provider Portal to verify active WHP membership and submit claims online. The Provider Portal is maintained by our benefit administrator, Ingham Health Plan.
If you have questions about these programs or what is covered by the Washtenaw Health Plan, please call our benefit administrator, Ingham Health Plan, at 866-291-8691.
If you have a patient who needs assistance with healthcare coverage, Washtenaw Health Project can help.
Have questions about eligibility? We can help!
Call Us
Tel. 734-544-3030
Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12–1 p.m.)
Visit Us
555 Towner Street, Ypsilanti MI 48198
Our friendly staff is here to help you Monday–Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12–1 p.m.)
Here's what to expect.
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