What to Expect
Here’s what to know before your appointment.
You’ll talk with one of our helpful enrollment specialists.
Many clients we help are eligible for different programs, and it can be overwhelming. We’ll listen to your unique situation, answer questions, and help identify the best option. We can help you apply for and enroll in the best healthcare plan for you.
We are also amazing problem solvers and can advocate for you with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Marketplace, as well as with hospital billing or doctor’s offices.
We have in-person assistance available in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic, and translation services are available in most other languages.
You’ll share personal info in a safe place.
We will ask questions about you and your family, including your current income and immigration status. Your personal information will never be shared without your consent or knowledge. Your immigration or citizenship status is never discussed with anyone but you.
You don’t need an appointment—but it helps.
If you make an in-person appointment, this will reduce your wait time to meet with one of our staff members. But you don’t need an appointment to come in and talk to us.
Our walk-in hours are Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1–4 p.m. (We’re closed for lunch 12–1 p.m.)

If you’d rather talk over the phone, give us a call! Zoom meetings are also an option.
Our office occasionally has days where we are appointment-only. When that happens, it will be announced on our social media and there will be a sign on our door.
You can call us at 734-544-3030 to make an appointment or email us at whp@washtenaw.org with your questions.
If you don’t have certain documents, don’t worry!
You do not need to have all of your documents ready before reaching out to us. Bring what you have, or call with questions.
If you need, you can come in again or send additional documentation to your enrollment specialist electronically.
You can bring your children if you need.
Lack of childcare shouldn’t be a barrier to accessing healthcare. If you need to bring your children along, our waiting area has books and toys, and there is a playground outside of our office.
Getting To Us
Washtenaw Health Project is located on the ground floor of the Washtenaw County Health Department building. Our address is:
555 Towner Street
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Our free parking lot is located on Towner Street and Center Street. The first row has reserved handicap and expectant mother spaces.
Getting to our office from the parking lot
Use the crosswalk and follow the painted sidewalk to our building. You will come to a sign that says “Washtenaw County Community Mental Health.” Enter through the doors next to this sign.
Once inside the building, you’ll be in “the Atrium.” Go down the hallway that says “Welcome to the Washtenaw County Health Department.” You’ll see an area for the Health Clinic and WIC to the right. Continue left and follow the signs to Washtenaw Health Project.
Taking the bus
There is a bus stop right next to our building, served by The Ride route 44. Plan your bus ride to us at theride.org.
Wheelchair drop-off and pick-up is on Towner Street, between the door marked “555” and the bus stop. All main doors in our building have automatic door buttons.
Call, email, or visit us today.
You do not need an appointment to come in. Our healthcare advocates are here to help.
Call Us
Tel. 734-544-3030
Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12–1 p.m.)
Visit Us
555 Towner Street, Ypsilanti MI 48198
Our friendly staff is here to help you Monday–Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12–1 p.m.)
Here's what to expect.
Email Us
Send your questions to