Are you looking for information about Medicaid ending? Check out this blog post: My Medicaid is ending. Am I eligible for Special Enrollment Periods to enroll in health care?
What is happening with Medicaid?
Since March 2020, anyone enrolled in Medicaid at any time was allowed to stay enrolled regardless of income. This is called Medicaid Continuous Enrollment and was part of the Public Health Emergency declaration in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In December 2022, Medicaid Continuous Enrollment was de-linked from the Public Health Emergency. Medicaid Renewal (aka Medicaid Unwinding) starts on April 1, 2023. The Public Health Emergency is set to end on May 11, 2023. The ending of the PHE will impact other public health services and Covid-19 related exceptions. Read more here.
For Michigan, this is a big deal. Many people who enrolled in Medicaid have never had Medicaid before and do not understand how public benefits are renewed. Many people have new jobs and MDDHS staff may be new to processing renewals. Additionally, this is a new process and there may be some hiccups along the way!
But what does this mean for me?
If you live in Michigan, EVERYONE enrolled in Medicaid must complete a renewal packet in the next year. The process has already started, but the earliest MDHHS could cancel your Medicaid is June 30, 2023.
Update your Address with MDHHS. There are multiple ways to communicate with MDHHS. If you don’t know if MDHHS has the correct address, call 800-642-3195 and ask. They will not be able to update your address but they can confirm the address on file.
Submit a Change Report via fax or email. Fax 517-346-9888 or email
In your MIBridges account, select the Report Changes option. Submit an updated address. If you update your address in the Profile section on MiBridges, it will not update your address with MDHHS.
Go to your MDHHS office and report your address change in person. Ask the lobby staff to give you a date-stamped copy of the form you complete as proof of your request.
Call MDHHS at 844-464-3447 and report your address update. You would not have proof that you updated your address.
What is the Renewal Process? What do I do and when do I do it?
The renewal process lasts three months. It starts with a letter from MDHHS telling you it is time to renew. The following month, you will receive a renewal packet. During the last month, MDHHS will determine your eligibility and send you a Determination notice.
How do I know when my renewal month is? You can call the Medicaid Beneficiary Helpline at 800-642-3195 to get answers about your Medicaid. You can also call WHP to look up your Medicaid eligibility.

Month 1 – Awareness Letter. This letter arrives two months before your renewal month. This is a new letter that people did not receive before. It will tell you that a renewal packet is coming.
Month 2 – Renewal packet. The packet is mailed OR available in your MIBridges account. Complete the renewal form, and provide proof of income and any other requested verifications. The packet should be returned to MDHHS by email, fax or drop off.
Month 3 – Denial or Approval letter. MDHHS will send you a Determination letter stating you are still eligible or you are denied.
Am I still eligible?
If you are approved, Medicaid will continue and you have nothing else to do. If your Medicaid is denied, click the next post to read about your options.
If you need assistance or have questions about any part of this process, contact WHP at 734-544-3030 or email
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